Happy Mommy Tip Tuesday to everyone! Got a Mommy tip to share? Blog about it and then come back here and add it to the Mr. Linky at the end of this post. Please, remember to link back to me so that others reading your blog will know where to join in the fun!
My Mommy Tip for this week really isn't mine at all. I'm totally stealing this one right out of a Martha Stewart magazine. Hey, if you're going to steal a tip you may as well steal from the best, don't you think?
Here are some cute little piggy banks you and your own little piggies can make in the time it take to huff and puff and blow a house down!
Here are the exact instructions from Martha Stewart:
Have a parent use a utility knife to cut a slit in a mini water bottle; make sure it's large enough to get a quarter in. Cut a hole in bottom of bottle for removing money. Wrap a long, wide strip of colored paper around middle of bottle; mark slit and cut out. Use double-sided tape to secure paper to bottle, lining up slits. Use two colors of paper for ears; cut small sections for insides of ears, then glue on larger pieces. Bend back bottoms of ears; glue to bottle. Use a hole punch to cut eyes from black paper and nostrils from pink. Glue in place. For legs, glue beads to bottom of bank on paper band.

Amanda I love it!!!!! We should have a craft day and to that with our girls.
Let me know...
Hey Amanda...what cute little banks! I've been trying to come up with something clever for Sammy's bank. Maybe I'll give it a try :)
Superdy duperty cute! We will try making these this summer. Thanks for a great tip!
I've seen those on the front of the Martha Stewart Mag in the stores. They are so super cute!!!!
My 3-year-old has been asking for a piggy bank. This is a great solution for trying to find one that is age-appropriate. Thanks for sharing and I'll be sure to coming back for Mommy Tip Tuesday!
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