Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Come Back Tomorrow!

I've decided that every month I'll be doing some sort of a giveaway. Now don't get too excited. I won't be giving away $500 giftcards like Pioneer Woman but I gotta start somewhere. I won't tell you what I'm giving away (not today anyway, I'm saving that for tomorrow) but I'll give you a little hint: In some circles it is considered scandalous and was recent cause for litigation!

ooooh! I got ya now! See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Precision Quality Laser said...

My interest is definitely piqued! :) What is considered scandalous and was recent cause for litigation..hmm..nope, drawing a complete blank. You do know that this is going to keep me up tonight because I love a good riddle! LOL :) Have a great day!
