This is how we CVS, we CVS, we CVS
This is how we CVS so early in the morning!
Happy Super Savings Saturday, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the CVS deals this week like I did and came home fat & happy with ECB's to burn! After a few weeks of, "eh" deals at CVS I was just thrilled with this weeks semi-annual beauty sale, plus many other good deals. Here's what I got:
Okay, whatcha see there is $133.35 worth of stuff. Hard to believe, huh? But there's some expensive stuff in that pile. For example, that little red box right up front is lip plumper by 24.7, priced $19.99! Ouch! Keep an eye out for my Product Review on that little tart. Anyway, with my coupons ($21.53), and ECB's ($29.97) and in-store savings ($28.05) and CVS gift card ($14.36), my total came down to $39.44 OOP.
I left with $39.00 in ECB's. So, all in all, I got everything you see above for .44 cents!
Also, one thing I try to do is walk out of the store with more ECB's than I walked in with. So far, I've been able to do this with every CVS trip! *happy dance*
Also, one thing I try to do is walk out of the store with more ECB's than I walked in with. So far, I've been able to do this with every CVS trip! *happy dance*
Trip #2
I left with $38.00 in ECB's. Thereby coming out ahead $28.97. And, again, walked out with more ECB's than I walked in with! *BIG happy dance*
Two of my favorite things were deals at CVS this week. Neither of these, btw, netted me ECB's but this is just an example of the other great stuff CVS does for their customers. The foundation I prefer is L'Oreal Bare Naturale. Normally, this stuff is $14.99 for one. This week CVS had them B1G1 free, plus I had a $2 off coupon knocking the price for both down to $12.99. Gotta love it! Ultimately, as they were part of Trip #1, I got them for FREE, anyway!
Also, the Colgate ($2.99 ea.) was B1G1 and I had a manufacturer's coupon for $1.50 plus a CVS coupon for $1.00. Yes, that's right, for those of you who didn't know - CVS will let you stack coupons! So, really, I paid .49 cents for two tubes of toothpaste. But, again, not really as they were also part of Trip #1.
But what I really love is - THAT'S PLAIN OL' TOOTHPASTE, PEOPLE! Not that fancy-schmancy whitening/baking soda/peroxide/magic dust toothpaste you see everywhere. I have a booger of a time finding PLAIN toothpaste. Thank you, CVS for keeping us PLAIN folk in mind!
CVS's quarterly bonus ECBs came out this week and I earned an extra $6.50! Okay, so I'm not going to be taking a cruise with this amount, but still, it's FREE MONEY. Since I had to lug the little people in my life to two CVS's this week and since the pretty blond one was on her bestest behavior and since every.single.time we go to CVS she begs to look at the sunglasses only to leave empty handed, I decided to splurge my quarterly earnings on her. Whatcha think? That's one cute kid, huh? I think so!
Head of over to Crystal's place at to see the other great deals that have been had this week. And then next week - post yours!
Great job! You really got some good deals!
You go girl!!! Thanks for stopping by! You did awesome! It even makes me giddy for ya :-)
Hi Amanda! I popped in from over at Laurel's place. Really like your blog. Unfortunately, we don't have a CVS around these parts and I have no idea what an ECB is. But I'm guessing it's a very good thing to have :o)
Awesome deals!
Good job- I am still learning how to work CVS! Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the web! ~Cassandra
It's a Wonderful Life
Great job at CVS, you got a ton of stuff! And all those ECB's to boot!
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