It's a wonderful and beautiful Thankful Thursday again over at Sting My Heart. Won't you join us?
I'm giving this particular post the alternative title:
2,874,395 Second Chances.
Here's why:
My daughter has been particularly difficult this last week. Heck, she's been driving me downright bonkers! I don't know what it is, but I do know I just don't have the patience for her typical not-quite-four year old stuff. I won't go into details because if you currently have a four year old, or once had a four year old, or know of a four year old or have ever seen a picture of a four year old in a book then you know what I'm talking about.
This week, as I was tried and tested repeatedly, I was reminded of something a friend of mine (also the owner of a not-quite-four year old) once said about disciplining his child. One night, his daughter was particularly disobedient and he became angry, scolded her and put her in her room. He was at a loss of how to deal with her as she had been acting up recently. He reflected on how the Lord deals with him when he is disobedient to His Word. He realized that, in his life, God had always shown patience and understanding and corrected firmly yet with love and that God always gave him another chance. He realized that he was to do the same with his daughter.
Remembering my friend's experience and insight throughout this week has helped me greatly in dealing with my daughter. I remind myself that I, too, am a child here on this earth and that my Father in Heaven is trying repeatedly to get me to "grow up right". I'm ever thankful of His patience, grace, understanding and loving correction but most of all, I'm thankful for His
2,874,395 - oops! Make that 2,874,396 (and counting) second chances.
Nice thankful post.
yes I can relate to that, I remember when my children were all that age...
I love it... Makes a lot os sense. I saw London and Elle today. London was so cute. KELSEY!!!! rememberme? I'm your friend from the nother day!!!
Good reminder, and when mine turned 5 he was such an angel.
This too shall pass, and aren't we thankful?
I love to read your blog, Holly
That is a great way to look at things! Thanks for that tip! Neat Post. Happy TT - God Bless~
Love your TT post. She'll be grown and gone before you know it. :(
I think we all feel like it is that many 2nd chances!
I am glad He never slips up and loses patience with us.
Such a great post and one I needed to read. I, too, have a not-quite-4 yr old and she has definitely been testing our patience lately! :) Thanks for sharing this with us all!
I've HAD 3 four year olds...ONE has FIRE ENGINE RED hair....
enough said....
you know what I say...
GO TO STAPLES...you'll forget all your worries....
my first visit...
loved it...I'll be back!!
happy thursday!
What an awesome attitude. Oh I know sometimes the days seem long when they are four...but you know what I will trade my 14 year old for your 4 year old =))
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