Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolution #3

I'm making this one quick because it's 10:30 here and I'm actually going on zero nights sleep from last night (thanks, Kirby).

In the last 2 1/2 years since we moved into our new neighborhood and started attending church, God has blessed us with many new friends. So many, in fact, that I have a hard time keeping up with everyone.

In addition, hubby and I have ALWAYS - and I mean, ALWAYS, in case you didn't get the emphasis the first time - talked about entertaining more at the house. Well, it's as if chocolate and peanut butter have come together for the first time to make something really great!

So, New Year's Resolution #3:

Thou shalt open thy doors and bringeth in friends for good, good times!

I'm planning on - not fully committing to or setting anything in the proverbial stone - inviting someone over 2-3 times a month for dinner & conversation. Heck, maybe I'll even break out the occasional boardgame to really get the party rockin'. Monopoly anyone?

I just find that in our every day busy, busy, busy lives, - I don't want to say we forget to include others, no - we choose to put people on the backburner of our life cooktop. This is the one resolution that I believe has the highest chance of falling by the waistside. And is that really right? Are decluttering and watching my shopping habits more important than the people God, Himself, has blessed me with?

I hope not. I really hope not. This week my beloved in-laws are visiting. Woohoo! But, next week, watch out! I'll be preparing a dinner menu complete with appetizers and dessert. Not to mention, dusting off a boardgame or two.

And, you - YOU may getting a phone call with a request to mark the date! And don't be Caller ID'ing me either or I'll make you be the shoe.


Madame Queen said...

If you're playing Monopoly, I hate to say it, but DON'T invite me. I'd rather stick a sharp stick in my eye. Any other board game? Fine. But noooo monopoly!

Sounds like a great resolution, though. One I'd like to try myself!

Laurel said...

Thomas and I can not play Monopoly together. It nearly ruined our marriage once. He turns into this other person when he plays that game. It's UGLY!

However, that said, can I still hope for a phone call? Someday?

Anonymous said...

Hi! I read your post on crossdaily forums regarding resolutions, and found we have some similarities. I came here to visit and didn't want to be a "lurker", so I'll comment.
We never have people over, because it seems like we're hardly ever here ourselves! It sounds like a really good idea, and will also motivate you on your daily routine. If you know you have friends coming over, you'll be more likely to do the chores and feel like the house is "presentable." (But really, with kids, is it ever that way?) I'm also trying to get organized, but have a few more years of clutter than you do. My youngest is now 4, and it all fell apart after him. I joined flylady and was gung ho on that for a few months and then the holidays hit, and I haven't kept up. She's a great way to jump start yourself, but I think I really need to have a set day to do cleaning of some part of the house every day, and not just on Mondays. I have good intentions of making myself a plan and putting it into a binder, and then blogging about it when I can make the time. It's just the time thing. Anyway, enough about me. Kudos to you on your resolutions and your blog, and great job on the weight loss too. (That was another similarity!) You can visit my blog at