Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pushing Pause

I am pushing pause for a few days. I'm leaving out of town Friday and won't be back until Sunday night. But I'm pausing for more than just that reason. It has been made clear to me through God that my blog needs to go in another direction. Not a new one, but an old one - the original one. I've hit a bloggers' wall and cannot seem to write much of anything. I could not, for quite sometime, figure out what it was, but God makes it all clear when the time is right, and He's made it clear to me.
Come back on Monday and I'll tell you all about it. Until then, have a fabulous weekend!


mother of seven said...

I'll check back....Have a great time!!!!

Laurel said...

oooh, leaving us with a mystery. I am intrigued!