Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hug Update #1

Whew! One holiday down, one to go!

Everyone is healthy again and my home is (almost) back to normal, so I am finally able to give you an update on my hug challenge. Except, I won't be giving you the update all in one post. There is a lot to tell, my friends. I learned more than I expected to. Well, to be honest, I didn't expect to learn anything. I was just trying to not let hugging go down without a fight.

And the fight continues on! I have been convicted and honestly feel like this is something God has put before me. There are many ways - MANY WAYS - to get out God's message of love. Hugging is as simple as it gets, if you ask me. And I'm a pretty simple person, so we make a good team!

The first day of my hugging challenge, I hugged two members, Dan & Jan, of my bible study group. After hearing my story, they were quick to oblige and told me how, during their trip to China, they taught their Chinese hosts (whom they now consider friends) to hug. They explained to me that in China, hugging is something that just isn't done - not even among family! Something I can't even imagine.

The second day, after dropping off my daughter at preschool, I asked Miss Kate, who handles the front office, if I could give her a hug. She gleefully responded with a big bear hug I did not expect but was all too happy to receive.

The third day, while at a movie in the park put on by one of my church's (I'll explain that another time), I asked the Pastor's wife, Carolina, for hug. I knew who she was but really didn't know her personally. That was, I think, the second time in several months that I've ever spoken with her. It's funny, after you hug someone, you do suddenly "know" them. I feel like I made a friend with one simple gesture.

The fourth day, I was busy late into the evening doing some scrapbooking when it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't hugged anyone that day! I jumped up, headed to the front door and excitedly announced to my husband, "I have to go find someone to hug!" and went off in search of a neighbor. I found Dean & Debbie and their kids taking an evening stroll. After a bit of chatting, I explained my challenge to them and not only got hugs from them but their kids joined in on the fun, as well. They told me they were a very "huggy" family, and it shows!

Prior to searching out my neighbors, though, it had dawned on me that my choices in huggees had all been people I knew and knew to be Christian. I felt I was playing it safe. I wanted to stretch myself with this challenge. I wanted to get out there! I was sure that there were not only people who were happy to hug but, more importantly, people who needed hugs! Those were the people I wanted to find.

But how? Where? Who would they be? How would I know them?

Questions and quest on! I found them (some of them anyway) and I'll tell you all about it next time. Stay tuned!

It gets good, people! It really does!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

I'm trying to be more of a hugger to the people in my life, but I have to admit that I'm not one to people I don't know. That's courageous!